Tag: D.C.
Manufacturing Employment Increased Under Trump but Lags Prerecession Levels
by Alan Barber , 01/23/2019
Employment in construction, manufacturing and mining and logging increased by 0.4 percent or 74,000 in December of 2018. Forty-one states and the District of Columbia gained jobs in these “blue collar sectors.” Texas saw the largest gains for the month, adding 10,900 jobs, an increase of 0.6 percent. Next was Florida at +7,600 jobs (+0.8 […]
Manufacturing Jobs Surge in South and Southwest
by Alan Barber , 06/19/2018
Employment in the blue collar jobs industries of manufacturing, construction, and mining and logging grew by 47,000 in May. By industry, only 12 states saw a drop in manufacturing jobs. Of the states reporting seasonally adjusted data, 16 saw a decrease in the number of construction jobs and seven saw a drop in mining and […]