Tag: Logging

Pennsylvania and Ohio Manufacturing Job Growth Takes a Hit in First Half of 2017

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At the national level, there was an increase in the total number of blue collar jobs in June. Construction gained 15,000 jobs while mining and logging added 8,000 jobs. Manufacturing, though still seeing positive gains, only added 1,000 jobs.

Despite What the Director of the EPA Says, We Have Not Had a Boom in Coal

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Over the weekend, EPA chief Scott Pruitt made the rounds of the Sunday shows talking up the yuge increase in coal jobs we have seen in the last few months. Problem is he was pretty far off base, claiming that there were 50,000 new coal mining jobs so far this year. Responding to a clip […]

The Ohio Blue Collar Jobs Report: May 2017

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Ohio’s recovery has been a slow slog since 2009. The state has added jobs, but has grown by a very meager 1.9 percent. That sluggish growth has not been enough to pull large numbers of workers back into the labor market. Ohio is still 200,000 workers short of its pre-recession labor force. Although some regions […]

Growth in Blue Collar Jobs Slows In April

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As noted in this month’s CEPR Jobs Byte, the national unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent in April. The establishment survey reported that the economy added 211,000 jobs. Roughly offsetting revisions to the prior two months’ job growth brings the average for the last three months to 174,000.

Highest to Lowest Share of Blue Collar Jobs By State

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Last November, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States thanks largely to overwhelming support from working-class white voters. This has engendered a discussion about the decline of blue collar jobs in the Midwest specifically and throughout the country more broadly.

February Blue Collar Job Growth is Strong in All Three Sectors

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February was the third consecutive month for growth in manufacturing jobs, bringing the change over the last year to 7,000.